Faithful Blessings™ Bouquet -
The Faithful Blessings™ Bouquet is an incredible way to celebrate a communion, confirmation, or wedding, as well as send your sympathy for the loss of a loved one. Bringing together stems of fragrant Oriental Lilies, boasting multiple blooms on each stem to create a full and lush flower bouquet, this offering of flowers will bring peace and beauty to any of life's special moments and occasions. Presented in a keepsake designer white ceramic vase with a stunning cross on the front, this exquisite flower arrangement exudes heartfelt blessings with each eye-catching, star-shaped lily.
Bouquet is approximately 17"H x 16"W.
Order by 12:00 PM EST for same day delivery and by 1:00 PM EST for same day pick up.
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
Huggable, adorable and ready to cuddle. Our Lotsa Love teddy bear wears a checkered brown bowtie to match his cream-colored, plush fur. This lovable friend is ready to deliver warmth to someone you care about.
Plush bear wearing brown checkered bowtie
Measures overall approximately 18′′H
SKU # 191001
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